Hi! How's it going? Oh, sorry to hear that. I've been ok. The summer is going fast. I wrote a new piece of music the other day, that was cool. Oh right, I haven't told you yet. . . .
One year ago I launched an event called Games, a backyard games-meets-interactive art event, and I think it's safe to say it was a roaring success. I mean, there was roaring, there was success . . . need I say more?
Ok, I guess I do.
This September, the fun of the first Games event returns, but this time there's a theme:
All of the games will feature objects left behind by the previous inhabitants of my house.
How many times have you ever found stuff left behind by the last people in your apartment, house, condo or burned-out shell of an RV? Have you ever wondered things like, "I wonder what past lives this salt shaker has had..." or "If only these curtains could talk..." or "Why did they leave an empty Dasani bottle on a shelf? Clean up after yourselves, geez..."? Well, me too. So come on down and wonder along with me, while also playing some yard games to make sure you don't think too TOO much about that now. You have bigger fish to fly.

If you joined us last year, you'll see a few familiar events making triumphant returns. But they will have to share the stage with some new faces as well, well, if games had faces. I see the Games series as another installment in a long history of play-as-performance in the Fluxus tradition. But yeah. It should be pretty cool. Especially if you like throwing things.
It's all happening Saturday Sept 21 at 1pm. Free registration and more info can be found here:
And I'm already working on another event for October. More info to follow. Hope to see you in September!